Nationwide uses technology which collects and retrieves information from your computer, smartphone or tablet’s browser when you visit and use our digital services (e.g. our websites). They can be cookies, or similar technologies such as pixels, tags or web beacons. As this technology is widely known as cookies, we’ll refer to them all as that in this policy.

Some of these cookies are necessary to make an online service work, but for others we need your consent before we can collect information. If you decide to consent to these optional cookies, you can change your settings at any time.

On this page

Types of cookies

There are different types of cookies:

  • Session cookie – these are set to collect and send information to us for the length of time your browser is open on our websites
  • Persistent cookie – these stay on your device for longer to help us identify your device in the future and allow a user’s actions to be remembered. They each have their own timeframe for staying on your device
  • First party cookie – these are placed on your device directly by Nationwide (a first party cookie)
  • Third party cookie – these are placed by a third party, such as an ad network, social media platform or search engine. It may result in additional cookies being set by that third party for their purposes.

Cookies and the data they collect

Depending on whether we have the permission to do so and the digital service you are using, we will use cookies to collect and retrieve:

  • unique values so that our digital services know that they are talking to your device
  • the time and date that a device has used our websites, the content that you viewed and how you reached us (e.g. via a search engine)
  • the type of device you are using (e.g. a tablet or a computer)
  • the brand of device or browser (e.g. Apple, Android, Safari, Edge)
  • inputs made and values submitted
  • general geographical location that people access from (e.g. city/town)
  • your settings for our site
  • identifiers such as Customer Number, Application Number, Device ID or IP Address that may allow the information collected to be linked to an individual
  • where cookies collect information, which may be used to identify you, it will be used in accordance with our privacy policy.

Please be assured that none of our cookies will collect or store any secure information about you (e.g. your Internet Bank password or memorable data).

How do we use cookies?

Nationwide has 4 main categories of cookies:

  • Essential cookies
  • Customisation cookies
  • Cookies to help us improve our website
  • Targeting and marketing cookies

You’ll find out more about these in the following sections.

Essential cookies

These cookies make our website work properly, keep you safe and enable us to provide online services by:

  • keeping your browsing sessions private
  • allowing you to complete an application form
  • making your time on our digital services run smoothly and securely
  • remembering who you are when using our Internet Bank to ensure member security
  • letting us know whether cookies will work on your device
  • ensuring we can comply with banking regulations
  • carrying out essential activities required as part of our terms and conditions with our trusted partners (e.g. paying our partners for displayed content which this device has interacted with)
  • ensuring we apply your preferences consistently

Whilst our cookie preferences won’t allow you to stop these cookies, your browser may. If your browser settings prevent these cookies we can't guarantee or predict how our websites will perform during your visit, and you won't be able to use any secure parts of the websites such as the Internet Bank. We may also use these cookies to understand whether you intended to access our services if you clicked on a link from a partner website.

Customisation cookies

These cookies help personalise your experience by:

  • remembering information such as your username when you log into certain pages
  • managing when our online surveys are presented
  • customising how we display information online.

Cookies to help us improve our website

These cookies help us to gain insight and improve how we do things by:

  • Understanding how our users engage with Nationwide’s websites and Internet Bank (e.g. how you move through our website pages) and what technology they use (e.g. do more people use their phone than a computer)
  • Measuring and understanding the performance of our digital services and their content to continuously make improvements
  • Testing different versions of our digital services with different user groups to understand which is more favourable
  • Linking interactions online with activity via our other channels (e.g. branch and telephone) to ensure we make the user’s online experience easier
  • Analysing individual and aggregated browsing actions and patterns (e.g. links that are clicked on and) to better understand our users
  • Informing our digital strategy.

We use Adobe, Dynatrace and Contentsquare to support us with these activities. Whilst these trusted third parties place and store the cookie on your device, they work like first party cookies and the information collected on behalf of Nationwide is only used by us. Some of the cookies are persistent cookies and the information collected from these cookies is retained and used for up 2 years. After this time, it is securely deleted.

Targeting and marketing cookies

These cookies help us target our advertising and tailor our marketing both online and via other channels, so it is as relevant and helpful as possible by:

  • Sharing or highlighting specific content online or in other channels. This may include our digital services or other websites, social media and search engines
  • Displaying Nationwide adverts on other companies’ digital services based on the content you have viewed on our digital services
  • Ensuring you are shown our marketing at an appropriate time
  • Informing our marketing strategy by understanding how you interact with our digital services and adverts.

We use the trusted third parties in the following table. They deliver online advertising services by analysing the information collected to ensure the adverts we display on social media platforms; search engines and other websites are relevant to you and other users who may engage with our content in similar ways. They do this by collecting details of when you viewed our website content after seeing one of our online adverts or using information about the products and services you have taken out with us or shown interest in when browsing our digital services.

You can also turn off targeting and marketing cookies from a wide range of specific companies on the Your Online Choices website (opens in a new window).

Just so you know, if you choose for us not to use targeting cookies, you may still see our adverts on social media, search engines and other websites, we just won’t have used cookies to tailor them to you.

Setting your cookies preference

You can manage your cookie settings at any time.

In addition, however, most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the browser settings.

Find out how to manage cookies on popular browsers:

You can also choose to:


Nationwide adds pixels to the emails that we send. These help us to understand whether an email has been delivered, whether it has been opened and whether you clicked on any of the links contained within the email.

We do this so we can gain insight and improve our communications. It also supports us in evidencing compliance with Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) requirements when we need to send you mandatory communications about your account or our service.

You may be able to prevent these pixels either through your web browser or the email provider you use (e.g. Outlook).
