How to report fraud or a scam

Report fraud immediately

Our dedicated helpline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

UK: 0800 055 66 22

Calling from abroad?

Current account fraud: +44 1793 65 67 89

Credit card fraud: +44 2476 43 89 97

Want to make sure it’s us calling? Stop and call 159

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

159 is the number to call if you have any doubts about who you’re speaking to. It’s a secure, memorable number that will put you straight through to us.

Tell us about a suspicious message

Help us stop fraud. Report suspicious emails, texts and messages to:

We don't reply to every email but review all the messages we receive. This information helps us to stop crime.

To report a suspicious text from another organisation, you can forward the text to 7726.

More help with reporting fraud or a scam

Get more in-depth information about what to do if you’ve been a victim, including:

  • Things to check if you’re unsure about a transaction

  • The ways you can report scam texts, emails and calls

  • Getting your money back

Latest scam articles

Keeping you and your home safe from rogue traders

Don’t be tricked into letting a scammer work on your home or garden. This article helps explain:

  • how a rogue trader or doorstep scam works
  • the warning signs to look out for
  • what to do if you’ve been scammed

How to spot a rogue trader

Police impersonations scams

It can be concerning when someone gets in touch claiming to be the police. Scammers know that they can take advantage of this and use it to get hold of your money. This article will help you learn more about:

  • how the scam works
  • ways to keep your money safe

Dating a scammer

When looking for romance online, you could be talking to a scammer. Our article will help you understand:

  • romance scams and the scale of the issue
  • how to keep your money safe

Investment and cryptocurrency scams

Have you been contacted unexpectedly by someone offering an amazing investment opportunity? It could be an investment scam.

More information on fraud and scams

Our partners

Victim Support

Our partnership with this independent charity supports customers who've been a victim of fraud or a scam. They offer a tailored service to meet your individual needs. It's free, non-judgemental and confidential. And they will help you for as long as you need.

The Nationwide Fraud team will refer you for further support if you need it.

Independent Age

We’re working together to support members over the age of 65 who are at risk of, or have fallen victim to, fraud and scams.

Independent Age helps with a range of issues that can affect people in later life. If you, or someone you know, have lost money, need emotional support or help managing finances, get in touch. You can also download their Scamwise guide.

Take Five to Stop Fraud

Nationwide supports the industry fraud awareness campaign Take Five. It offers straightforward and impartial advice to help everyone in the UK protect themselves against financial fraud.

Building digital awareness

It's important to know what to look out for when managing your money online. Our digital awareness video teaches you the common tricks scammers use.
