Understanding domestic abuse

Also known as domestic violence or intimate partner violence, domestic abuse is a controlling pattern of behaviour. Its aim is to gain or maintain power over someone. It can happen between partners, ex-partners, family members or carers.

This abusive behaviour can manifest in various forms:

Coercive control
This involves a pattern of intimidation, degradation, isolation, and control. And is often accompanied by threats of physical or sexual violence.

Psychological and emotional abuse
Emotional manipulation, insults, and undermining a person’s self-worth fall under this category.

Physical or sexual abuse
Inflicting harm or violating someone’s bodily autonomy.

Harassment and stalking
Persistent unwanted attention, monitoring, or following.

Online or digital abuse
Using technology to harm, control, or harass the victim.

Domestic abuse impacts the mental, emotional, physical, social, and financial wellbeing of survivors and their families. Children and young people can also be affected by witnessing or experiencing domestic abuse.

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic abuse, consider seeking professional help and support from organisations like Refuge (opens in a new window) or Women’s Aid (opens in a new window).

What financial and economic abuse could look like

Financial and economic abuse can happen to anyone, no matter their age, gender, ethnicity, class, religion or disability. It’s usually carried out by a partner, family member, friend or carer who might:

  • Stop you from working or getting to your job.
  • Make you hand over control of your bank accounts and stop you accessing your money.
  • Make you explain what you’ve spent your money on.
  • Withholding money and stopping you from buying essentials.
  • Take out credit cards or loans in your name.
  • Spend your household budget on other things without telling you.
  • Withdraw money from your account without your knowledge or permission.

How we can help you

As a banking provider, supporting those suffering from financial and economic abuse is where we can be the most helpful. But we know domestic abuse is never straightforward and can often switch between the various forms at different points. So, do get in touch if you are experiencing any form of abuse and we will try and help wherever we can.

If you contact us, we’ll listen to your situation and make sure we understand everything. Then we’ll suggest ways we could help. Our support could include:

  • Helping you understand the payments going in and out of your account.
  • Resetting login details for your Internet Bank or changing card PINs.
  • Explaining your options if you have a joint account.
  • Setting up a new current account or savings account.
  • Sending your bank statements to a different address.
  • Helping you deal with any debts.
  • Working out a budget.
  • Letting you know about other organisations that could help keep you safe and provide support.

Any of our branches are able to help if you want to come in and speak to us in person. Your visit will be confidential.

Nationwide branches and Safe Spaces

We know that experiencing domestic, or financial and economic abuse, can be isolating. And make it difficult to find support or think about your options.

That’s why Nationwide supports the domestic abuse charity Hestia’s UK SAYS NO MORE (opens in a new window) campaign. And offers a physical Safe Space in many of our branches.

How to access a Safe Space in a participating branch

You don’t need to make an appointment. Simply walk into a Nationwide branch that has the Safe Space poster in the window.

Or use our Branch Finder to find your nearest branch with a Safe Space. Even if your nearest branch doesn’t offer a Safe Space, you can still go in and get help. we will still be able to help you.

Get in touch

Our Specialist Support Team are ready to help. They’ll never judge you or put you under pressure.

Call us

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
Saturday, 9am to 1pm
Closed Sundays and bank holidays

Ask us to call you 

If you can’t call us yourself, then we can call you. Use our contact form to leave your details. One of our specialist team will call you back at a time that suits you.

We can call you back from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Please allow 2 working days for us to contact you.

Visit us in branch

Prefer to speak face-to-face? We’ll make time for you. There’s no need to make an appointment.

Find your nearest branch.


If you need help urgently, dial 999 and ask for the police.

You can also call the National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247. They’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This free helpline is run by Refuge and Women’s Aid (opens in a new window).
