What to expect from your first mortgage payment

First payments can be higher than your ongoing monthly payment. This is because it'll include interest from the date we released the funds, up to the end of that month, plus your payment for the following month.

For example: If we release the funds on the 12 May, your first mortgage payment in June will include interest for 12 to 31 May, as well as your mortgage payment for June.


In some cases you may notice that your first payment is actually lower than what was shown in your mortgage offer.

This is because the payment quoted in your offer will assume your mortgage completes on the first of the month.

See what your first mortgage payment will be

You can check the details of your first payment by using Mortgage Manager on or after your completion date.

We send this information to you in a letter as well. You should get it 5 to 7 working days after your completion date.

How to check your first payment using Mortgage Manager

To use Mortgage Manager you need to be registered for either our banking app or Internet Bank.

If you use our banking app

If you use our banking app, select your mortgage account and then manage your mortgage.

If you use our Internet Bank

If you use our Internet Bank, after logging in, follow these steps: 

  1. Select your mortgage account
  2. Go to the Related services menu on the left-hand side and select Manage your mortgage

Managing your Direct Debits

You can find out more about how to set up, change or amend bank details or a payment date on our Direct Debit page.

Overpaying your mortgage

If you can afford to, overpayments are a great way for you to save money over the term of your mortgage. You can decide to pay off a lump sum, pay off a bit extra each month or do both. To find out how to set up, amend or cancel an overpayment, and set up or amend an overpayment preference visit our overpayments page.


If you’ve moved home, we will update your mortgage address, but not the addresses on your other accounts. Please remember to update your contact details for other products you hold with us. Find out how to update your contact details.