Banking is more rewarding with Nationwide

At Nationwide we don't just have customers, we have members. And membership means sharing in our profits through the Nationwide Fairer Share Payment.

In 2024, we shared our profits with nearly 4 million of our members.

The Fairer Share Payment is our way of rewarding those members who choose us for their everyday banking as well as having savings or a mortgage with us.

We gave eligible members £100

If you were eligible, you would have received the payment in June 2024. You didn’t need to do anything. So long as you still had an open current account with us, we transferred it straight to you. Should you only have a joint current account, this is where we made the payment.

For more details about the Nationwide Fairer Share Payment read our terms and conditions.

More for our members

  1. What membership means

    Membership is at the heart of what makes Nationwide a good way to bank. Our members get exclusive products, rates and rewards.

    Learn more about membership
  1. Get free SavingsWatch alerts

    Register for SavingsWatch to be one of the first to hear about new savings accounts. We'll also tell you if we make improvements to your account's features. Or if there are changes to interest rates.

    Find out more about SavingsWatch

If you need to speak to us

Chat with us

Opening times
Monday to Friday, 9am to 4.45pm. Closed Bank holidays.

To start a chat on our website, visit our Contact us section and select the Chat with us button on the right hand side.

Our live chat is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in our Banking app and Internet Bank.


Speak to a member of our team: 

Opening times
Monday to Saturday, 8am to 8pm
Sundays, 9am to 5pm
Bank holidays, 8am to 8pm

Visit us in branch

Prefer to speak in person? Our colleagues in branch are always here to help you.

Relay UK

Used to be known as Text Relay. Offers confidential text-to-speech and speech-to-text services for those who struggle to use the phone.

You'll need the Relay UK app or a textphone. Dial 18001 followed by the Nationwide number you want to call. The opening hours will be next to the number.

Using SignVideo

Use SignVideo to make British Sign Language (BSL) interpreted calls to us with a qualified and registered NRCPD/ SASLI interpreter.

Monday to Saturday, 8am to 9pm.
Sunday, 9am to 5pm.