Before you start


The terms and conditions for our current accounts are changing from 1 May 2025. Before you apply for this account, you should read how our terms are changing (PDF, 87KB - opens in a new window).

You can read the full version of the new terms on our current account documents page.

Make sure you read the following information.

Summary Financial Statement

When you open an account with us, we need to let you know about our most recent summary financial statement and auditors' report. Our summary financial statement is published in our Review of the Year document - PDF 2.9MB (opens in a new window). You can find our latest annual report and accounts, including our auditors' report, on our Results and Accounts page.

Apply now

Do you already have a FlexOne with us?

Protecting your money

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (opens in a new window) (FSCS) is a free, independent service that protects up to £85,000 of your eligible money at Nationwide.