Talking cash machines

All of our cash machines have voice assistance. And can be used with a headset or headphones – they’ll need to be corded with a 3.5mm jack.

If you can’t use a cash machine, our branch colleagues can help you make a withdrawal from the counter.

Chip and Signature cards

A Chip and Signature Card lets you:

  • make purchases in shops with your debit or credit card, using your signature as identification
  • withdraw cash at a branch.

If you’d like a Chip and Signature card, call our customer services team on any of the numbers given on this page.

Large print, braille and audio CDs

We can provide the following in large print, braille or audio CD:

  • account statements
  • the letter sent with a debit card, credit card and savings card
  • Internet Banking passcode
  • Telephone Banking passcode
  • terms and conditions
  • information leaflets
  • Personal Identification Numbers (PINs).

When you open a new account, let us know how you’d like us to send you information. Or, if you’re already a customer, you can change the way we write to you by telling us in branch or calling us on the following numbers.


PINs for credit cards will be sent first in standard print. Call Credit Card support after you receive it to update the format. The number is given on this page.

Easy read on our website

An Easy read is information on our website that has been made easier to read and understand using:

  • pictures
  • easy words
  • short sentences
  • big text

Wherever you find an Easy read message on our website, you can download an Easy read version. All our Easy reads are in a PDF format.

Contact us

Over the phone

Speak to a member of our team.

Monday to Saturday 8am to 8pm, and Sunday 9am to 5pm.

Relay UK

Used to be known as Text Relay. Offers confidential text-to-speech and speech-to-text services for those who struggle to use the phone.

You'll need the Relay UK app or a textphone. Dial 18001 followed by the Nationwide number you want to call. The opening hours will be next to the number.

Credit Card Support

Monday to Saturday, 8am to 8pm.
Sundays and bank holidays, 9am to 5pm.

Accessible card readers

Accessible card readers are designed to make our services even easier, whatever your need. They have:

  • larger display screens
  • larger buttons
  • audio, so you can hear everything that’s on the screen.

How to order a new card reader

Speak to a member of our team over the phone or in branch. You'll receive your accessible card reader by post within 7 to 10 working days.

Over the phone

Speak to a member of our team.

Monday to Saturday 8am to 8pm, and Sunday 9am to 5pm.

In branch

Visit us to talk to one of the team in branch.

Support if you are Deaf



SignVideo is a specialist centre offering British Sign Language and English Interpreters on demand.

All SignVideo interpreters are members of the National Registers of Communication Professionals Working with Deaf and Deafblind People (NRCPD) and/or Scottish Association of Sign Language Interpreters (SASLI).

What you'll need

To use SignVideo, you’ll need a device with a webcam and the ability to connect to the internet. The first time you use it, you’ll need to download a plug-in.

How it works

  1. Connect to SignVideo.
  2. When you’re connected, tell the interpreter you'd like to call Nationwide.
  3. Start your conversation using British Sign Language.

Using SignVideo

Monday to Saturday, 8am to 9pm.
Sunday, 9am to 5pm.
