What's on this page

Find out how much you'll need to pay

Use our online Mortgage Manager to see how much it will cost to completely pay off your mortgage. This is called your redemption figure.

Your redemption figure is your outstanding mortgage balance plus any charges that apply for paying off your mortgage early.

You can get a figure for any date within the next 3 months.

Get your redemption figure online

The fastest way to get your redemption figure is by using Mortgage Manager. Just log in to our banking app or internet bank.

In our banking app

  1. Log in to our banking app
  2. Select your mortgage account
  3. Select Manage your mortgage.

In our internet bank

  1. Log in to our internet bank. Not yet registered? Register for our internet bank
  2. Select your mortgage account.
  3. Select Related services from the left-hand menu
  4. Select Manage your mortgage.

Get a mortgage redemption statement

The mortgage redemption statement contains important information about your mortgage and a breakdown of the total amount you'll need to pay.

You’ll only need a redemption statement if you’re planning on paying off your mortgage in full.

If you're re-mortgaging and moving to another provider through a solicitor or conveyancer, they may ask for a redemption statement from you.

Information for lawyers:

If you are a solicitor or conveyancer, please read our information for lawyers page for how you can request a statement.

Get a redemption statement using Mortgage Manager

If you are ready to pay off your mortgage in full, you can get a statement today using Mortgage Manager:

  1. Select view full account details and click the link Get a redemption figure.
  2. Mortgage Manager will ask you to select your situation so it can give you the right information.
  3. Select I would like to pay off my mortgage in full.
  4. You will be given a link to download your redemption statement as a PDF file.

Call us to get a redemption statement

If you can’t access Mortgage Manager because you don’t have our banking app or internet bank, you can call us. Be sure to have your mortgage account number ready.

Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.
Saturday, 9am to 2pm.
Closed Sundays and bank holidays.

Charges for paying off your mortgage early

We may charge an Early Repayment Charge (ERC).

If this charge does apply, it will be included in your redemption figure. And listed on your redemption statement.

Also keep in mind if you're using a solicitor or conveyancer, they may charge for the work they do for you.

For a full list of mortgage fees and charges, see our tariff of charges.

What you need to do when paying off your mortgage 

When you pay off your mortgage, follow these steps to avoid any issues that could mean additional charges or payments.

  1. Make sure you pay on the date stated

    The figure shown on your redemption statement is only valid for the date stated. If we receive your payment after this date, you'll be charged additional interest. This could lead to a shortfall.

    The figure will also include any Direct Debits that have been taken within the last 4 working days or that are due to be taken in the next 4 working days.

  2. If you pay by monthly Direct Debit

    If you pay monthly by Direct Debit, you don’t need to do anything. We will cancel it after the account is closed. Do not cancel your Direct Debit yourself. Any overpayments will be refunded within 10 working days.

  3. If you pay by standing order

    If you pay by standing order, remember you will need to cancel this once your mortgage is paid off in full. Any overpayments will be refunded within 10 working days.

  4. Review any insurance policies you may have

    If you have any insurance that is related to your mortgage, check if the policy still suits your needs. We recommend getting advice on making any changes if you need to.

Ways to pay off your mortgage

Once you know how much you need to pay, you can pay off your mortgage online or by cheque.


What happens after you make your payment

Once the full amount has been paid off, your account(s) will automatically enter our closure process. This takes up to 15 working days to complete. In that time we will:

  • Issue a letter confirming account closure. This will be sent to you or the solicitor acting on your behalf.
  • Refund any money that we have received that is more than we needed to close your account. This would be paid either directly to the account you make your regular payment from, by cheque, or to the solicitor acting on your behalf.
  • Arrange for any title deeds we hold to be sent for you.