Buy a car with a Nationwide loan

  1. Own the car outright

    If your loan covers the full cost of the car.

  2. Have fixed monthly payments

    They won't change during the term of your loan.

  1. No hidden fees

    We won't charge you for setting up, overpaying or settling your loan early.

  2. Receive your loan fast

    Once approved, you'll have the money in your Nationwide current account in 2 hours.

To apply for a loan

You need to:

  • have a Nationwide current account
  • have the right to live and work in the UK for the term of the loan. We don't accept applications from the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
  • be between 18 and 79
  • not have missed 3 or more credit commitments in the last 12 months
  • not have any unsatisfied county court judgments. Unsatisfied means the Court's records show the debt hasn't been paid
  • neither be bankrupt nor have an Individual Voluntary Arrangement
  • have a monthly income of at least £700 after tax. Not including bonus, overtime or commission payments
  • if you're self-employed, be able to prove a minimum of 1 year's income through an accountant's certificate, SA302 form or HMRC online tax calculation.

If you're applying for a joint loan, other criteria also apply.

What is the interest rate?

The interest rate depends on how much you borrow and how long you borrow for. We offer personal loans for terms from 12 months up to 7 years. You’ll need to enter the term in months when you apply.

Before you apply for a loan, think carefully about what you can afford to pay back each month. You will not be able to change the loan amount or term during the application.

Representative example

6.1% APR Representative (fixed). Based on an assumed loan amount of £10,000 over 60 months at an interest rate of 6.1% p.a (fixed). Monthly repayment £193.03. Total amount repayable £11,581.80.

This representative APR applies to loans of £7,500 to £25,000 over 1 to 5 years for our members with a current account. You could be offered a different rate based on your personal circumstances. The maximum you could receive is 29.9%.

Related links

Other ways to borrow

A loan might not always be the right way to borrow the money you need. There might be a more suitable option for your financial situation.

Current account overdrafts

Member Credit Card

Borrow more on your home

Nationwide adheres to The Standards of Lending Practice, which are monitored and enforced by the LSB: (opens in a new window)