Option 1: Reinvest in a new Nationwide ISA
You can choose between reinvesting in:
- a Fixed Rate Cash ISA. This is similar to the ISA you already have
- another ISA with us
What happens when you reinvest?
When you reinvest, you can:
- put all your money in your new ISA
- withdraw some money to a Nationwide current or savings account
- top up your balance, if you have not reached your annual ISA allowance
If you top up from another ISA you have with Nationwide, it will not count towards your annual allowance. If you top up from a non-ISA account, it will. If you are 16 or 17, you will not be able to top up your balance if you added to an ISA with another provider in the same tax year.
What are our ISA interest rates?
You can find the yearly rates of our Fixed Rate Cash ISA here on our website. If you tell us before your maturity date that you want to reinvest in a Fixed Rate Cash ISA and our interest rate changes, we will give you the better rate.
You can find our other ISA rates, along with the rates we offer on all our savings accounts, on our comparison page.
Fixed Rate ISA vs Fixed Rate Cash ISA
Our Fixed Rate ISA is no longer available. Instead, we now offer a Fixed Rate Cash ISA. There are a few key differences.
Option 2: Withdraw all your money and close your ISA
You can close your Fixed Rate ISA or Fixed Rate Cash ISA and withdraw the money either by:
- transferring it to your Nationwide current or savings account, as long as it accepts incoming payments
- transferring it to an existing Nationwide cash ISA (this will keep the tax-free status of your money)
- transferring your ISA to another ISA provider
- cheque
If you want to transfer your ISA to another provider, do not just withdraw your money from your ISA. Your money will lose its tax-free status if you do. Instead, apply with the other provider and tell them you want to transfer.